About Mary Santos, Realtor
Mary Santos has been active in the Dallas Residential Market since 2001, and since then has helped clients buy and sell their homes throughout the Dallas Metroplex . Mary has been a Dallas area resident since 1980, her roots being on the east coast of Virginia before then, born and raised.
Primary areas of concentration are Preston Hollow, Park Cities , Lakewood , North Dallas , and East Dallas . She maintains her focus on each individual client with a strong emphasis on communication, integrity, market knowledge and impressive service.
Mary's membership affiliation's include: Metro-Tex Association of Realtors, Texas Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors.
Mary Santos, Realtor
Highlands Brokerage Service, LLC
8080 North Central Exp., Suite 880
Dallas, TX 75206
Business: 214-707-1748
Email: marymsantos@msn.com